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Group Rent and Service Charge Policy Consultation

We are currently reviewing our Group Rent and Service Charge Policy. The policy sets out the principles and framework which each landlord in the Group will use when setting charges. A copy of the policy can be found here: GROUP-RENT-AND-SERVICE-CHARGE-POLICY-Caledonia-Group – Dec 2024.

The rental charges applied are essential to deliver high quality affordable housing as well as ensuring the long-term viability of the Group, whilst balancing this with affordable rents for our customers. An initial review has been conducted by Group staff and there have been no changes or amendments to the statutory or regulatory requirements. The changes that have been made to the policy include rent charges for new build properties (section 4.12) and an adjustment made about how we use CPI (Consumer Price Index) to calculate any rent increases (section 5.4).

The main conclusion of the review was that the application of the rents policy over the last ten years has ensured that Caledonia has achieved its key aim to keep rents affordable whilst maintaining sufficient income to deliver services. In 2023 our rents were increased by 5% when the inflation rate was 10.1%. In 2024 our rent increase was higher at 7.7%, due to a number of factors, including rises in inflation, increased energy prices and the continued cost-of-living crisis.

Our rents have not increased by as much as other similar organisations and our total average rent is lower than the national average for social housing landlords. However, the review has put forward some aspects for further consideration and we would like to gauge customers views on these and would be grateful if you could take some time to complete this survey.

The survey should only take a few minutes to complete. The closing date is 6th January, 2025 and all respondents will be entered into a prize draw for a £50 shopping voucher.

Complete the survey here

Data Protection: We treat all information provided on this form as confidential and in compliance with Data Protection laws. We will use the information we gather to help us identify any aspects of our service that may need improvement. We analyse all feedback and publish statistics relating to satisfaction but in doing so do not identify individual respondents. You have certain rights under Data Protection laws. These are described in our Privacy Notice.